Head Copy Machine v2

Experimental tool

This is an experimental tool and very much not finished. It may not work in all browsers.

Learn Morse code using just your ears and voice.

Much of this learning method has been copied, with permission, from the Better-ICR tool developed by John AJ1DM.

Speech Detection

This trainer uses the microphone to time how quickly you can speak the character after hearing the Morse code. It works best in a noise-free environment.

First authorise microphone use (if requested), then choose the microphone you want to use (the same one often appears more than once). Keep quiet and press the Calibrate button to record the background noise level. You might want to then press the Test button and say a letter or two: a graph will be shown of the audio signal with the start of the letter(s) marked in green (along with other green/orange marks and diagnostics).


You will be tested on the "Characters to practise". You can edit these lists yourself and/or set up the "Next characters to learn" using the character learning order from CW Academy, Koch, LCWO or LICW.


With this toggle on, when you are doing well the first in the "Next characters to learn" list will be added to the practice set.

Playback Controls

Play starts playback.

Stop stops it!

1: Morse - play the message using sound, light, vibration

The character is played in Morse in this stage. Use the Morse Controls to configure the Morse (speed, volume, pitch and playback medium).

If you've chosen to automatically add new Morse characters, they are introduced in this stage. Use the Speech Controls to configure the Speech (voice, volume, rate, pitch, pause).

2: Recognition - time for you to recognise the character and say it

The computer will listen for up to 5 seconds for your voice. The Mic button lights up to show when the microphone is active.

3: Reveal - the character just played is revealed

With the Speech button pressed, the Morse character just sent will be spoken (Speech Controls ). This is ideal for hands-free operation but is not the fastest method.

The Flashcard is always enabled and immediately shows the Morse character just sent.

4: Check - you indicate if you copied correctly

With the Mic button pressed it will wait for up to 2 seconds for your voice to confirm you copied correctly, silence is taken as a miss-copy.

With the Keyboard button pressed you can press "Y" for a successful copy or "N" for a miss-copy (or just wait for the 2 second timeout).

5: Success? - a bell is played to indicate whether you copied correctly

One of two bells is rung depending on copy success.

The choice of bell cannot be configured yet.

6: Recap - a reminder of the character sound again

The character is recapped (said and played in CW) if you copied it incorrectly.

7: End - a bell is played to indicate the end of the sequence

A bell is played to indicate the end of the sequence, in order to prepare you for the next character.

Use Bell Controls to configure the Bell (type, volume and duration).



History Chart

The bottom chart shows whether you copied each character successfully on the last 5 occasions. The top chart shows the delay in milliseconds between the CW ending and you saying the character. The bar shows a weighted average and the line shows the very last attempt.


Save all the settings for this page in a file, or Load some settings from a file (overwriting your current choices). Share Settings generates a link to bookmark your settings or share with someone else. The Reset Settings button changes everything in this page to its default value.

Head Copy Machine Notes

This is an experiment and not finished. The known problems are:

General Notes

General help on the playback controls and Morse Controls (Timing) can be found in a separate page.

This tool works in most browsers: please see the FAQ if you are having problems.

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