International Morse Code Training


The training tools here are being developed with support from CW Academy, Long Island CW Club and CW Innovations as well as input from many users and instructors. They are based on best practice and draw on many years of experience.

Help is provided both within the tools and also in the dedicated help page.

CW Generator

Translate from text to the sound of CW with full control over the timing of the Morse code elements and a useful history display.

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CW Academy Beginner Trainer

This Morse code trainer takes you through a set of exercises to teach you to copy and send Morse code. It is designed to be used by the CWops CW Academy where experts get involved to help coach you. English and Japanese versions are available.

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Word List

This Morse code trainer lets you practise words from ready-made word lists or just upload your own. The words are arranged in a soundboard to click on or the standard play controls may be used.

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Instant Character Recognition

Practise Instant Character Recognition (ICR) using this fully-configurable trainer. Choose your problem characters, practise them and then add some more.

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This Morse code trainer creates random QSO-style Morse to practice copying authentic CW.

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Practise copying CW by listening to the current headlines from a variety of news sources.

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These training tools will remain free to use. The tools use the underlying open-source morse-pro library but are not themselves open source. However, in case of any unexpected circumstances, key CW club members have access to the source code of the tools to ensure their continued availability.