International Morse Code


The Morse code translator translates to and from International Morse code and can play the Morse to you as sound, as vibrations or as a flashing light. You can use it to easily share messages with your friends. You have full control over the speed, frequency and volume of the sounds.

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Morse Machine


Instantly translate to Morse code (sound, light or vibration) as you speak or type.

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Morse Code

A listing of the Morse code, including punctuation, non-English letters, prosigns, Q codes and other common abbreviations.

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Morse Code Timing

An explanation of the timing of Morse code: the basics, words per minute and Farnsworth timing.

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Training Tools

The training tools here are being developed with support from CW Academy, Long Island CW Club, and CW Innovations as well as input from many users and instructors. They are based on best practice and draw on many years of experience.

CW Academy Beginner Trainer

This Morse code trainer takes you through a set of exercises to teach you to copy and send Morse code. It is designed to be used by the CWops CW Academy where experts get involved to help coach you. English and Japanese versions are available.

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Word List Trainer

This Morse code trainer lets you practise words from ready-made word lists or just upload your own. The words are arranged in a soundboard to click on or the standard play controls may be used.

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QSO Trainer

This Morse code trainer creates random QSO-style Morse to practice copying authentic CW.

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Character Trainer

Practise Instant Character Recognition (ICR) using this fully-configurable trainer. Choose your problem characters, practise them and then add some more.

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CW Generator

Translate from text to the sound of CW with full control over the timing of the Morse code elements and a useful history display.

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Practise copying CW by listening to the current headlines from a variety of news sources.

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Decoders & Keyer

Audio Decoder


This experimental tool lets you try to convert Morse code sound into text. It uses your computer's microphone to listen or you can upload a file. It automatically adapts to the speed of the Morse code and its frequency.

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Audio Decoder (expert)


This decoder transcribes what it hears from the microphone or a sound file. The process is explained and can be manually adjusted.

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Gaze Decoder


This experimental tool lets you input Morse code by just looking at different areas of the screen. It doesn't work very well yet!

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This tool lets you input Morse code using two keys on the keyboard. It can also speak the decoded message to you!

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